It’s one thing to say, “Imagine if our message of hens on pasture was on a national stage.” It’s quite another to be waiting, weak-kneed, in the wings of said stage …because Holy Gallus Domesticus! LoLa made it to the Small Business Big Game Top 20! Here’s our video announcement kindly shot by Happy Tree […]
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And…We Wait
After the whipped up frenzy of clicks to get LoLa on TV, now…(gasp)…we wait. The Intuit /Quickbooks people, hosts of the contest, will narrow the field from 30,000 to 20. I don’t envy their task. We’ll find out if LoLa made it to this elite semi-final round on October 28th. After that, Intuit Global Employees […]
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Big Game Madness
So, we thought it be fun to make a run at this SuperBowl ad contest. Why not? Then…
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Lola wants free TV!
Lola wants to win a SuperBowl ad!
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Big News from our Field
As you know, Locally Laid is a mission-based little business. If it wasn’t for a bigger goal, we’d never worked our way through all the frozen waterlines, broken eggs and the 99 mini-disasters that awaited each new day this first year. It’s always been about getting people Real Food, while treating livestock and the planet […]
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Pasture Tech
You’ll never guess who’s out has out tech’d us in natural eggs.
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